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herkforth blocks

A block is 1024 bytes. The begining of the block is the herkforth source tokens and the last two half-words are the saved cursor position followed by the number of source tokens in that block.

The word "new-block" adds another source block after the others.

I'm working on changing the format for blocks. Here's the new format:

A block is now a data object, (ie it's a word) the data has the following format:

    half-word: prev block (dict index)
    half-word: next block (dict index)
    byte: which def has cursor
    byte: which word in def has cursor
    ???: array of dictionary pointers (half-word each)

The dictionary pointers are pointing to which words are define here (not to each word displayed)

Those dictionary entries should contain a reference to it's definition, so the editor can display it etc.

For a block title, you simply edit the comment for the block word.

See Also:

herkforth source tokens

herkforth internals

herkforth docs


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